Advice For New Lab Members

Sign-up to be on the Email List

Add your inbox to get a copy of all emails sent to!

1) Log into our shared email account.

2) In the settings, go to "Forwarding and POP/IMAP"

3) Click "Add a Forwarding Address" and follow Google's instructions to verify your personal email address.

4) Go to the inbox, search for all emails sent to "gmail", and forward all of these emails to your personal address, as described here.

Additionally, you may wish to "Share" the CVKelly Lab calendar with your other GMail accounts so you can see our shared calendar along side your personal calendar.


All lab members are required to take Laboratory Safety Training through OESH at WSU.

Further, see OEHS's website on Laser Safety.

General Comments

Often, it can be quite tricky to learn how to be a good researcher and how to work well with others in the lab. Here are some links and recommendations put together by others.

1) How to foster a productive advisor-mentee relationship:

The care and maintenance of your adviser

by Hugh Kearns & Maria Gardiner

2) Advice from Marie des Jardins

3) Many links from Sarah Keller.

4) Sometimes, a PhD is not enough:

A PhD is Not Enough by PJ FeIbelman